Arkansas Civil War 360

Historical Accounts Of Arkansas Civil War Battles

Grave Registration Project

The South East Arkansas Civil War Graves Registration Project sponsored by the Patrick R. Cleburne Camp #1433 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, will assist the Arkansas Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans in their search for all known Confederate graves across the state of Arkansas by providing all known documented Confederate graves throughout South East Arkansas.

The South East Arkansas Civil War Graves Registration Project will include all known Civil War grave sites, including both Confederate and  Union.  If you know of any Civil War graves in your area, please help us catalogue these hallowed plots by taking a picture of the headstone, provide any content or history on the soldier (if known), GPS coordinates, name of cemetery (if stone is in a cemetery) or directions to get to marker.  If you have any diaries, pictures, letters, or any additional information on any of these soldiers in our directory, please send it to us so we can all remember these brave men.

This project will span the course of many years.  We need everyone’s help in locating and documenting these graves…we simply have to! Again, we do not want JUST Confederate grave info, but Union as well.  The Confederacy fought the Union as bitter enemies, but both sides now play an active role in preserving each.  Decendants of Union veterans have done a great deal in helping preserve Confederate history and heritage.

This project was launched on a very symbolic day: April 15, 2008.  This date marks the merging of cultures – on the 144 anniversary of the death of Abraham Lincoln.  It was this date that Dr. Davis, Chancellor of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, was officially recgonized with an Arkansas Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans high award for his efforts in helping Edgar Colvin and the Patrick R. Cleburne Camp #1433 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans preserve a section of a slave cemetery and Confederate graves. It was this date that the largest graves registration of its kind was launched in the effort of preserving our honored soldiers on both sides: gray and blue!

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